Tuesday 8 November 2011

Bit More Publicity & A Few Good Memories

Today our internal comms manager at work asked me to provide a few photos for an article she is doing about HET in our work newsletter that has a circulation not just in Sunderland but in Newcastle, Bradford and branches nationwide.

Scrabbling to meet the deadline I dug out a few from my BlackBerry and in my horror when I got home and looked at them on full screen and saw they were all ones of me lycra clad (the least flattering material for a man of my BMI) apart from two, one of which shows me beating Matthew Turnbull in a race........

......OK, OK before Matt starts burning up the keyboard I'll come clean.  The race was about 45 seconds old and it was our 2011 debut in the Burn Road Harriers Old Monks Race.  The older chap I'm overtaking is a guy called Vaughan Godber who did something similar to what we intend to do next year in the past in running the Coast to Coast.

If our training for the 2012 Challenges is even halfway as funny and mad as the night time training session Matt and I enjoyed last January when we, undeterred by the dark and the snow and the ice and the mud decided to recce the Old Monk Course navigated by a route I'd downloaded to my BlackBerry from my Garmin.  I'd actually run the route with a friend about a month earlier and recorded it on the Garmin then went straight out on the drink and lost about 80% of my recollection of that day, hence the requirement to re-familiarise myself.

Headtorches (and torches stolen from infant children), warm dayglo gear, getting lost in the woods and Matt suspsciously running a lot faster through the Monk Heseldon Cemetery were the order of the evening.

Bring on some more crazy training sessions!

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